Are You Saving Money?

Over the years, it has become clear to all the senior advisors across the NSG divisions, that creating wealth and planning for financial objectives requires all of us to master a number of key elements.

One of these absolutes is “BUDGETING”

The management of income over expenditure is an essential foundation for any wealth plan.

Knowing exactly what you have coming in and how much of it is going out  is critical.

Many of the thousands of clients we have met all across Australia often earn incomes that most of us would think should guarantee their financial success.

However even these people often seem to be chasing the next level of pay increment.

Perhaps you’ve heard the age old adage or cliché, “it’s not how much you earn it’s what you do with it”.

We completely agree with this cliché!! Isn’t it nice how old clichés often hold some validity?

Here are our tips…..

  • If you haven’t got an accurate budget, you’re not serious about getting ahead.
  • Measuring your surplus or deficit and understanding which months will deliver you your bonus “accelerator cash” is essential.
  • Once you’ve figured out whether you’re in surplus or deficit you can make some real and meaningful decisions.
  • You can then decide whether you need to adjust your spending patterns to fall in line with your financial objectives.

Now why don’t you create a brand new budget asap.

Click here for a great free downloadable budget-planner  created by the Federal Government

Or click here for the online version.

Any questions drop us an email.

Do you have a surplus and want to know what’s the best thing you can do?

Have you found a deficit and need to take drastic action?

Contact us today for a free analysis and advice session