NSG Research Brief on: Beerwah

Preferred Estate:  WOODGROVE.

National Research confirms that transport corridors are magnetic for population and infrastructure.  Beerwah has been targeted by State and local governments as a Regional population and infrastructure hub. The commencement of this has been the completion of the upgrade to the rail overpass taking it from a single line level crossing to a flyover capable of up to rail 4 lines.

The important piece of the puzzle when looking at a regional hub for investment is that railway towns must have links for commuters and multiple forms of public transport.

Pedestrian bus, road, bike, car and rail, if possible airport provide the greatest potential and present the greatest opportunity for capital growth.

Applying this concept to Beerwah, we find that the Woodgrove is within 2klm of the train line.

This means that an opportunity exists to leverage of the market who will choose this location due to its ease of access. i.e. within walking distance.

The Woodgrove Estate is not only within walking distance of the train station, accessing Brisbane and earmarked as the commencement of the spur to The Sunshine Plaza within,  it is also within walking distance of the following:

State primary School, State High School, Public pool, Churches and parks.

Private school from prep to yr 12, multiple banks, shops, anchor stores such as Woolworths and medical facilities.

It also benefits from what appears to be significant under pricing compared to the greater Sunshine Coast region’s median house price.

Target house price: under $400,000.

All future subdivisions will be further from this infrastructure.

Place Making in Beerwah

Fast Facts

Develop and community vision that grows a bright future for Beerwah.

Deliver a holistic action plan to guide the growth of Beerwah in achieving its Major Activity Centre classification.

Did you know?

  • Beerwah’s population is expected to double to over 8,000 by 2031
  • Council has a committed 4 year capital and operational program to assist with the development  of Beerwah
  • The State Government’s SEQ Regional Plan identifies Beerwah as a Major Activity Centre
  • Beerwah may serve as a dormitory town to Brisbane with commuters who want the Sunshine Coast lifestyle yet Brisbane jobs
  • The proposed CAMCOS rail junction with the main line is 1km north of Beerwah, which veers off towards Caloundra and then up to Maroochydore
  • This project is an exciting new investment in Beerwah and the surrounding Glass House Country
  • This is a once in 20 year plus opportunity to get involved with growing Beerwah’s Future
  • Beerwah is the first centre on the Sunshine Coast to be developed using a place making process

It is critical for its success that you are part of this journey, in not only the visioning stage this year but in the implementation and on-going development for Beerwah.

What is Place Making?

Sunshine Coast Council has adopted Place Making as a corporate approach to protecting our quality of life and strengthening our identity. Place making is an integrated approach to working with communities that has gained acceptance and achieved positive results worldwide.

  • Place making is a new way for developing and delivering a vision for a community focused around the community values
  • It aims to deliver a truly integrated and multi-disciplinary outcome though the participation of Council, the community and key stakeholders
  • The Place Making approach ensures the inclusion and partnering with the people through an innovative and collaborative community engagement program.
  • Place making is fundamentally about a process of creating meaningful and activated places



The SEQ Regional Plan 2009-2031 identifies Beerwah as a Major Regional Activity CEter. This means that along Noosa, Nambour, Kawana, Caloundra and Sippy Downs, as well as the Principal Regional Activity Centre at Maroochydore, the Greenfield areas of Caloundra South and Palmview, Beerwah will be a focal point for substantial growth on the Sunshine Coast into the future.

In order to increase housing choice and affordability of urban consolidation including small lot subdivisions, multi-storey town houses and single dwelling units within walking distance to the train station and the town’s centre. There will also be further traditional family homes, however greenfield development is significantly constrained in most directions.

As a rough guide to the level of growth, the Local Growth Management Strategy prepared by Caloundra City Council prior to amalgamation had flagged an additional 1,800 dwellings would be constructed in Beerwah in the 2004-2026 period.

The existing extent and range of businesses and enterprises in Beerwah will also need to grow and the town is destined to be a substantial employment centre. Recently, a development approval has been given for a new shopping centre on the corner of Simpson Street and Peachester Road, which will include a discount department store, supermarket and specialty shops. Approvals have also been given for industrial enterprises on Burys Rd to the east of town.

The State has committed to the upgrade of the Beerburrum to Landsborough rail line before 2020.  This will mean realignment and widening of the rail corridor to accommodate extra tracks.

In addition, the “CAMCOS” rail line linking between Beerwah to Caloundra South, Caloundra, Kawana and on to Maroochydore is planned for delivery between 2021 and 2026. Land for the corridor has already been allocated.

The SEQ Regional Plan nominate an Urban Footprint for the Beerwah township and states that urban uses (including residential growth) will be contained within that boundary. However it also nominates Beerwah as one of 15 general areas in SEQ which may be considered for additional longer tern development, subject to a range of factors (including sit suitability). The Beerwah identified Growth Area (Employment) is outside of the Urban Footprint, to the south of town and east of the railway line, and could play a role in meeting much longer term employment needs generally beyond 2031.

Council has already flagged a number of desirable future improvements such as the expansion of Turner Park, the creation of a recreational trail, building on and strengthening the community hub and further developing the potential of the Beerwah’s community and sport facilities. These and other improvements would be subject to Council’s prioritisation and capital works budget.

The craggy volcanic plugs of the Glass House Mountains are distinctive features of the Sunshine Coast landscape and the Glass House Mountains area includes river systems, open forests, coastal, wetlands, mountain forests and heath. While Beerwah grows, the protection of the landscape values including inter-urban breaks and views to the mountains remains very important to the local and wider community.

The Glasshouse Country remains a rich productive farming area with good quality agricultural soils and a prosperous poultry industry. Protection of this “food bowl” also remains very important for the local and wider community.

Beerwah Place Making Fact Sheet pdf

Researched sourced from Sunshine Coast Regional Council


Queensland Government Transport & Main Roads
